February 16, 2025 25-081 #3

While the Team was conducting a rescue operation in the Devils Punchbowl area, another call for assistance was received.  A party of 4, including a 4-year-old juvenile, were riding snowmobiles on the B Trail which follows the Sawmill Cut Off road. Their ride was interruped by a downed tree across the trail.  They attempted to go around but became stuck in deep unconsolidated snow. 

The responders staged at the Shady Rest Sports Complex.  Using the SMS feature on Caltopo the responders were able to acquire the coordinates of the stranded party.  A field team of 4 departed the staging area on snowmobiles towing the Rescueboggan and quickly located the subjects.  The field team was able to transport all 4 subjects back to the staging area at Shady Rest.  The call was terminated at 1821 hours. 

IC: Rhoads   Ops Leader: Haugh   Responders:  Gerber, Senior, Carlson, Lipman, Mayernick, Kelly, Cowan.

February 16, 2025 25-080 #2

At 1450 hours the Team was called to assist with a 68-year-old male snowmobile rider and a 68-year-old-female snowmobile rider who were stranded near the Devils Punchbowl.  The subjects had become exhausted riding in deep snow and were unable to continue. 

The Team staged at the South June Lake Junction and a field team of 3 on a personal snowmobile and the tracked Polaris Ranger responded to the subject location.  The field team was able to assist the subjects with their sleds, and they followed the field team back to Rescue Base.  

The female subject was driven to her vehicle, and she returned to pick up the male subject and the snowmobiles.  While this call was in progress the Team received another request for assistance in the Shady Rest area.  Both calls were concluded at 1821 hours.

IC: Rhoads  Ops Leader: Haugh  Responders: Gerber, Carlson, Senior, Cowan, Lipman, Kelly, Mayernick

January 3, 2025 25-004 #1

On January 2 2025, the Inyo County Sheriff's Office requested mutual aid assistance in the search for a 29-year-old male reported as missing/overdue on a possible Mt. Whitney summit attempt.  The subject was reported to have begun his summit attempt on December 30 and Inyo SAR began the search on January 2 concentrating on the area in the vicinity of the 11-mile Mt. Whitney trail from the Portal to Trail Crest with an aerial search using Fire Integrated Real-Time Intelligence System Program (FIRIS) aircraft and ground teams. Wind and weather conditons were not conducive to flight operations and personnel insertions in the North Fork Lone Pine Creek drainage (access to the Mountaineers Route and technical routes on the east face of Mt. Whitney). FIRIS flew on January 3 as well.

Eight team members from MOSAR responded to the Inyo SAR facility in Bishop at 0700 on January 4 to join the Inyo SAR briefing on search area conditions and field assignments for the day.  7 field teams were assigned search areas, with an Inyo SAR member assigned to each team as a team lead.  MOSAR personnel were assigned search areas near Iceberg Lake, Upper Boy Scout Lake, and Lower Boy Scout Lake, and were flown by an Army Air Guard CH-47F Chinook (call sign Schooner 69) from Bishop to Lone Pine to pick up members of China Lake SAR.

Schooner 69 at the Bishop airport prior to boarding.

SAR teams loaded and on the way to Lone Pine to pick up additional teams.

From Lone Pine, Schooner 69 flew to Upper Boyscout Lake to drop off 2 field teams (10 personnel), then to Lower Boyscout Lake to drop 1 more team (4 personnel), and then to Iceberg Lake to drop the last team of 5.  Schooner 69 returned to Bishop for fuel, then repositioned to Lone Pine to prepare for later personnel extractions.

The view of the Whitney Crest as the aircraft approached the first LZ. Image by J. Lipman

The landing zone (LZ) at Upper Boyscout Lake at approximately 11,300’ MSL.

2 field teams that disembarked at Upper Boyscout Lake, waiting for Schooner 69 to depart.

The field teams began to execute their search areas and after several hours the field team in the Upper Boyscout Lake search area located the search subject between the lake and Sakai Col at the base of the ridge dividing the Upper Boy Scout Lake drainage and the Iceberg Lake drainage at approximately 12,000' MSL.  The subject was deceased and a cause of death has yet to be determined.

The Upper Boy Scout Lake search area.

Due to the lateness of the day, Inyo SAR leadership elected to recover the remains the following day (Sunday, January 5) with assistance from California Highway Patrol Helicopter H80 from Apple Valley as they were expecting improving weather and wind conditions on the 5th.  The field teams from Iceberg Lake, Upper Boyscout Lake, and the search area between convened at Upper Boy Scout Lake, and Schooner 69 loaded them and transported all personnel to the Lone Pine airport.

Departing the Upper Boy Scout Lake LZ for landing in Lone Pine.

IC: Inyo Sheriff's Office  Ops Leader: Inyo SAR  Responders:  Lipman, Kelly, Brownlee, Anderson, Quiring, Bush, Huizingh, Beck

October 12, 2024 2024-584 #40

At 0025 hours the Team was called to assist with a vehicle over the side of 120 West Tioga Road approximately 200 feet below the road.  The location was approximately 150’ from the vehicle accident on September 27. The vehicle had 1 occupant, and surprisingly his injuries were minor.  Lee Vining Fire was first on scene, and they verified the condition of the subject, and then built a belay system to lower a rescuer down to the vehicle location, and then transitioned to a raise to assist the rescuer and the subject up the steep slope. The subject was able to walk up the slope with the assist from the rope system. 

When the first personnel from MOSAR arrived, the raise was already underway, and the subject arrived at the roadside soon after.  The subject did not require medical attention.  The operation was terminated at 0110 hours.

Subject and rescuer nearing the Tioga Road. Image by B. Beck

IC: Belcher  Ops Leader: Beck   Responders: Kaufman, Quiring, Leyen, Kelly, Torrence, Brownlee, Wallace, Patterson, Buchanan

On-Scene Coordinator: Mono County Sheriff Search and Rescue

September 29, 2024 2024-552 #39

At 1440  hours the Team was called to assist in locating a 39-year-old female and a 42-year-old male who were overdue from an outing to climb the Red Dihedral on the Incredible Hulk in Little Slide Canyon.  The Team staged at Mono Village near Twin Lakes, Bridgeport and established search base. 

CHP helicopter H42 was requested, and they accepted the mission.  A field team of 2 was assigned to hike to the base of the Hulk to search the wall with field optics, but a short distance up the trail they encountered the female subject, and the male a short time later.  The subjects were escorted back to search base in good condition, though the male member of the pair reported being exhausted.  CHP H42 was cancelled, and the operation was terminated at 1800 hours,

Escorting one of our subjects back to the trailhead. Image by J. Lipman

IC: Pelichowski   Ops Leader: Bush  Responders: Leyen, Mayernick, Lipman, Case, Haugh, Huizingh, Kaufman, Kelly, Senior, Torrence

On-Scene Coordinator: Mono County Sheriff Search and Rescue

September 28, 2024 2024-549 #38

At 1451 hours the Team was called to assist a 67-year-old male complaining of heat exhaustion and dehydration in the vicinity of Devils Postpile.  Rescue base was established at Minaret Vista.  A field team of 4 was assigned to descend the Reds Meadow Road to the Devils Postpile Trailhead, and they were joined by 2 Mammoth Lakes Fire Department (MLFD) personnel in a MLFD vehicle.  2 MOSAR members went up the trail in search of the subject.  Shortly thereafter, additional information determined that the subject was likely on the Rainbow Falls Trail. 

The 2 MLFD personnel responded to the Rainbow Falls Trailhead, and the subject location was confirmed by USFS personnel who stated that another USFS personnel was with the subject and his wife.  The MLFD personnel began hiking in, and the MOSAR field team followed shortly thereafter with the wheeled litter.

The MOSAR team arrived on scene, and the subject was packaged in the litter and transported to the Rainbow Falls Trailhead, where he declined medical attention.  The subject was transported to his vehicle at the Devils Postpile Trailhead, and the operation was terminated at 1859 hours.

IC: Rhoads   Ops Leader: Haugh   Responders: Kaufman, Torrence, Senior, Pavlovsky, Irving-Ruffing, Case, Huizingh

 On-Scene Coordinator: Mono County Sheriff Search and Rescue

September 27, 2024 2024-548 #37

At 2134 hours the Team was called to assist with a vehicle over the side of Highway 120 West Tioga Road approximately 200 feet below the road with 2 occupants. The driver's injuries were relatively minor, but the passenger had significant injuries.  Lee Vining Fire was first on scene, and they extricated both subjects.  A rope system was constructed to provide mechanical advantage, and with the assistance of the system Lee Vining Fire was able to raise both subjects to the roadside.

Rescue underway. Image by j. Lipman

When the first personnel from MOSAR arrived, the raise was already underway, and the subjects arrived at the roadside soon after.  Mono County Medic 2 treated the most seriously injured, and she was transported to the parking area at the Caltrans facility on Conway Summit, where she was transferred to Care Flight and transported to Renown Regional Medical Center in Reno, NV.  The driver was assessed and treated onsite by MOSAR personnel.  The operation was terminated at 2309 hours.

Next day vehicle recovery. Image by J. Lipman

Vehicle is viewable, just right of center in the trees. Image by J. Lipman

IC: Belcher   Ops Leader: Bush   Responders: Haugh, Huizingh, Lipman, Mayernick, Kaufman

On-Scene Coordinator: Mono County Sheriff Search and Rescue

September 22, 2024 2024-538 #36

At 1656 hours the Team was requested for mutual aid by the Madera County Sheriff's Office to assist a female hiker with injuries to her leg, ribs, and arm from a shifting rock.  CHP H40 was requested, and accepted the mission. 

The Team initally staged at Minaret Vista, but shortly thereafter the staging area was moved to the Mammoth-Yosemite Airport.  Five team members were on standby for insertion and a possible overnight, but H40 was able to hoist the subject unassisted after medical assessment and treatment.

H40 transported the subject to Mammoth-Yosemite airport where she was transferred to the care of Mono County Medic Unit 3, and then transported to Mammoth Hospital.  The operation terminated at 1923 hours.

CHP H40 at the Mammoth-Yosemite Airport. Image by J. Lipman

IC: Rhoads   Ops Leader: None   Responders: Bush, Brownlee, Senior, Kaufman, Lipman, Quiring

On-Scene Coordinator: Mono County Sheriff Search and Rescue

September 21, 2024 2024-519 #35

At 1650 hours the Team was called to assist 2 40-something female hikers who became stranded in steep, loose terrain off-trail on the flanks of Sonora Peak.  The women had cell service at their location, and they called to request assistance.  The Team staged at the Sonora Pass Trailhead and a field team of 5 MOSAR members departed rescue base toward the stranded hiker's location, just less than 3 miles in, just before sunset.  Rescue base was able to communicate with the subjects via text messages while the field team was hiking in.

Hiking to the subjects’ location. Image by J. Bush

The field team arrived at the subject's location, and provided them with warm clothing. climbing harnesses, and headlamps.  The field team was able to contour 100' north the the Sonora Peak use trail with one hiker, but the other hiker did not feel comfortable with the traverse, and was belayed up the slope angling east to gain the use trail.  Both hikers were then accompanied down the use trail to the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT), and they hiked back to rescue base with the field team.  After arrival at base, the hikers were transported to their vehicle by a Mono County Sheriff's Deputy.  The operation was terminated at 0019 hours on Sunday morning.

Full dark when contact was made with the subjects. Image by J. Lipman

Assisting one subject back to the Sonora Peak use trail. Image by J. Bush

IC: Rhoads Ops Leader: Beck Responders: Bush, Trainor, Quiring, Kaufman, Lipman

September 15, 2024 2024-507 #34

At 0816 hours the Team was called to assist a 62-year-old female hiker with an ankle injury just to the south of Barney Lake along Robinson Creek.  The Team staged at Mono Village near Upper Twin Lake.  Due to a known location and the high likelihood of a carryout, a large field team was assigned to respond.  They transported the wheeled litter and basic medical supplies.

The field team arrived at the subject's location quickly, and she was assessed, packaged in the litter, and transported down the Robinson Creek Trail at a brisk pace.  A small field team of 2 were assigned to go up the trail and meet the incoming litter to assist with the carryout and all parties soon arrived at rescue base.  The subject opted to transport via POV as she was accompanied by her husband.  The operation was terminated at 1621 hours.

Splinting the ankle prior to litter packaging. Image by J. Bush

moving the subject down the swithbacks below Barney Lake. Image by J. Bush

Maneuvering the switchbacks. Image by J. Bush

Field team returning to base. Image by J. Bush

IC: Gillespie   Ops Leader: Beck   Responders: Knecht, Brownlee, Haugh, Leyen, Anderson, Huizingh, Case, Bush, Patterson, Kelly, Thompson

August 31-September 1 2024-474 #33

At approximately 1532 hours the Team was called to assist in the search for an overdue 67-year-old female hiker who was last seen by her hiking party below Lake Helen in Lundy Canyon.  Search base was initially established at the Lundy Canyon Trailhead, and members of the subject's large hiking party (approximately 30 members) were interviewed as they exited the trail.  The general consensus of her party was that the subject would not have continued down the trail as there is a difficult steep and loose section she would have to negotiate.  The decision was made to move search base to Saddlebag Lake.

A field team of 4 was assigned to search the area between Lake Helen and Steelhead Lake, and they departed from the Saddlebag Lake resort via the resort's water taxi.  They were dropped at the northwest end of Saddlebag Lake and hiked to Z Lake, Odell Lake, Lake Helen, Shamrock Lake, Steelhead Lake, and then to Greenstone Lake, interviewing any parties camped or moving along the trail.  The search was unsuccessful, and the field team returned to Saddlebag Resort via the water taxi.

Shortly thereafter, the Mono County Sheriff's Office was contacted by a hiker with a satellite communication device who was with the missing hiker and her 2 hiking partners.  The good samaritan hiker provided coordinates to the location, and they left the subject and her party with warm clothes and water.  Search base was moved back to the Lundy Canyon Trailhead, and a field team of 6 with the wheeled litter and medical gear began the hike in to the subject's location.

Sometime around 2300 hours the field team made contact with the subject and her hiking partners. The subject was unable to move on her own due to exhaustion, so the wheeled litter was assembled, and she was packaged in the litter for transport.  The Lundy Canyon Trail is steep, rocky, and difficult, especially in the dark, so additional field team members were requested.  Lee Vining Fire responded with 4 volunteers, and one additional MOSAR member arrived shortly thereafter.

All personnel and the subject arrived back at search base at approximately 0130 hours.  The subject refused medical attention, and was transported to Mammoth Hospital by a Mono County Sheriff's Deputy.  The operation was terminated at 0213 hours on Sunday September 1.

IC: Rhoads   Ops Leader: Haugh   Responders: Dickau, Brownlee, Bush, Beck, Creager, Kaufman, Anderson, Wallace

August 23, 2024 24-457 #31

At 1849 hours the Team was called to assist with the search for a 63-year-old male hiker who was overdue from a hike on the Deer Lakes Loop along the Mammoth Crest.  As search base was being established at Woods Lodge near Lake George, the subject arrived back at his vehicle under his own power.  The operation was terminated at 1918 hours.

IC: Rhoads   Ops Leader: Haugh   Responders: Torrence, Huizingh, Quiring, Bush, Senior, Buchanan, Childers, Lipman

August 18-19, 2024 24-452 #30

At 1951 hours the Team was called to assist in locating an overdue 44-year-old female hiker in the Mt. Conness area.  The subject had ascended Mt. Conness with her hiking partner, and on the descent they became separated.  Her partner backtracked to where she was last seen, near some 3rd-class terrain, but was unable to locate her.  The subject's partner then hiked out to the Sawmill Walk-In Campground to retrieve his vehicle, then drove to the Saddlbag Lake Resort and used their Starlink connection to request assistance.

Search base was initially set up at the Sawmill Walk-In Campground and was later moved to a turnout/overlook just below Saddlebag Lake.  Two field teams of 2 members each were assigned search areas to cover in the dark under the illumination of a super blue moon.  Team 1 left the campground on an out-and-back search assignment, and Team 2 was assigned to ascend past Alpine Lake toward the place the subject was last known to be.  As they started late into the night, they proceeded to a point just below the Conness Plateau and stopped for a short night's rest.  Team 1 returned to base to wait for an early morning redeployment.

The super blue moon lit up the night. Image by J. Lipman

An uncomfortable shiver-bivy below the Conness Plateau. Image by J. Lipman

Planning took place overnight, and CHP Helicopter H42 was requested, and they accepted the mission, agreeing to arrive at first light for an overhead search.  More Team response was also requested to arrive at 0600 for new assignments.  The overnight and morning were windy, and H42 flew the high-elevation terrain as best they could with no sighting.  They cut their search short due to strong downdrafts and turbulent flight conditions. 

Yosemite National Park Helicopter 551 was also requested, along with ground personnel to search likely areas inside the Park.  551 had a little better experience with the winds, and flew low and slow for several circuits with no sightings before flying back into the Park.  Yosemite field teams from Tuolumne Meadows were assigned to search the area from there to Young Lakes.

Yosemite 551 low and slow searching for the subject. Image by J. Lipman

The overnight field team resumed their search assignment and covered a large area of off-trail scrambling.  One team member established a trail block to interview hikers coming out on the trail.  Search base had an expansive view of the search area, and a high-power spotting scope was used to search from a distance.  It is possible that the subject was sighted, but there was no confirmation. 

Team 2 continuing the search after a cool and windy overnight. Image by J. Lipman

The former Team 1 re-entered the field on a new assignment based on the possible sighting, and the subject was located a short time later near the Sawmill Walk-In Campground.  The operation terminated at 1012 hours on Monday morning.

The subject exited under her own power. Image by J. Lipman

IC: Rhoads, Pelichowski   Ops Leader: Haugh   Responders: Wilson, Bush, Baron, Creager, Case, Buchanan, Quiring, Brownlee, Anderson, Torrence, Huizingh, Lipman


August 17, 2024 24-449 #29

At 1935 hours the Team was called to assist a 28-year-old male who was struck in the head by a falling tree in the Waugh Lake area. He had initially called for assistance earlier, but then cancelled his request at 1728 hours. Rescue base was established at the Rush Creek Trailhead, and 2 field teams departed base with the wheeled litter and medical equipment.

The field teams made contact with the subject at 2200 hours just below Agnew Lake, and he was assessed and then assisted (under his own power) back to the Rush Creek Trailhead. Mono County Medic Unit 2 was called, but the subject declined treatment. The operation was terminated at 2344 hours.

IC: Rhoads Ops Leader: Haugh Responders: Quiring, Wallace, Huizingh, Anderson, Case, Lipman, Kelly

August 14, 2024 24-436 #28

At 1302 hours the Team was called to assist a 64-year-old male suffering from gastric distress approximately 1 mile east of the Hilton Creek Lakes.  Notification of the incident was via an Inreach satellite device carried by a passing hiker.  Rescue base was established just across from the unofficial Hilton Lakes trailhead at the entrance to the Pine Grove Campground in Upper Rock Creek Canyon.  Three field teams consisting of 12 team members left rescue base with the wheeled litter, first-out medical bag, oxygen bottle and other equipment.

The subject was located just over 2 miles in on the Hilton Lakes trail, and he was assessed, packaged in the litter, and transported to the established Hilton Lakes Trailhead near Rock Creek Lake.

The field teams rolling the subject out to the Hilton Lakes Trailhead. Image by J. Lipman

The subject refused medical assistance from Mono County Medic Unit 3 and stated that he would seek his own medical care.  The operation was terminated at 17:27 hours.

IC: Salazar Ops Leader: Bush Responders: Buchanan, Haugh, Case, Blackman, Ackerman, Baron, Wallace, Anderson, Senior, Hunsinger, Huizingh, Brownlee, Quiring, Lipman

On-Scene Coordinator: Mono County Sheriff Search and Rescue

August 12, 2024 24-428 #27

At approximately 1336 hours the Team was called to assist Bridgeport Fire and Medic 7 with extraction of a 78-year-old female subject with reported leg and arm fractures near Red Lake in the Virginia Lakes basin.  Rescue base was established at the parking area for Big Virginia Lake (aka Big Valley Lake) and the first 2 MOSAR members to arrive packed medical and rigging gear and departed base.  MOSAR response from the south was delayed due to ongong road construction on the 395.

Along the way, Team 1 discovered that the wheeled litter had not reached the subject, so they wheeled the litter to the subject location on a steep, loose, off-trail slope where her fall had terminated.  Medic 7 and Bridgeport Fire personnel were on scene evaluating the subject and providing initial treatment.  Team 1 assisted with packaging the subject in the full-body vacuum splint and loading her in the wheeled litter.

Team 1 also built an anchor system to provide a lowering system/belay for the litter team for the steep descent down the fall line of the slope.  As the litter team neared the end of their 200' line, other MOSAR field teams arrived on scene with additional manpower and equipment, and a second lowering system/belay anchor was constructed with a 300' rope which was enough to get the litter team down to safe ground.

Second lowering station/belay with Red Lake in the background.

Arriving at safe ground, the end of the lowering process.

The litter was wheeled back to the parking area and the subject was transferred into the Medic 7 unit, and she was delivered to Conway Summit to meet with a Careflight helicopter.  Careflight transported the subject to Renown Medical Center in Reno, NV.  The operation was terminated at 1648 hours.

IC: Rhoads   Ops Leader: Beck   Responders: Creager, Kelly, Baron, Buchanan, Quiring, Kaufman, Carlson, Senior, Huizingh, Wallace, Mayernick, Case, Torrence, Hunsinger, Salay

On-Scene Coordinator: Mono County Sheriff Search and Rescue

August 4, 2024 24-401 #26

At 1716 hours the Team was called for a mutual aid to Madera County to assist a hiker between Minaret Lake and Cecile Lake with an unknown issue and poor communications via mobile phone and satellite communication device. All communications failed entirely shortly thereafter.  The subject was reported to be a male 6' 5" tall and 275 pounds. 

CHP helicopter H40 was requested by the Madera County Sheriff’s Office, and they accepted the assignment as they happened to be nearby for other business.  As search and rescue base was being established at Minaret Vista, the subject called to report that he was on the Postpile shuttle bus and was uninjured.  CHP H40 was able to make one high-altitude pass before they were cancelled. The operation was terminated at 1759 hours.

IC: Rhoads   Ops Leader: Haugh   Responders: Wallace, Kaufman, Salay, Quiring, Kelly, Torrence

On-Scene Coordinator: Mono County Sheriff Search and Rescue

August 3, 2024 24-400 #25

At 1837 hours the Team was called to assist a 40-year-old female climber with reported back injuries at Swan Cliff near TJ Lake.  Rescue base was established at Lake George, and multiple field teams hiked the short distance to the subject location with the wheeled litter and other gear.  Medic 3 personnel were first on scene, and they were able to assess, treat, and package the subject in the wheeled litter with assistance from MOSAR personnel for delivery to the trailhead.  The subject was transferred to Medic 3 and transported to Mammoth Hospital and was then flown to Loma Linda Medical Center for advanced care and treatment.

Subject arriving at the trailhead. Image by J. Haugh

Subject being loaded for transport. Image by J. Haugh

The operation terminated at 2127 hours. IC: Salazar Ops Leader: Haugh Responders: Patterson, Cornelius, Kaufman, Salay, Quiring, Ackerman, Wallace, Torrence, Cucura, Baron

August 1 & 2, 2024 24-396 #24

At approximately 1818 hours the Team was called to assist a 16-year-old female suffering from symptoms of acute mountain sickness (AMS) near Waugh Lake in the Ansel Adams Wilderness. Rescue base was established at the Rush Creek Trailhead and 5 field teams consisting of 11 team members hiked up the trail with the wheeled litter and other equipment.

Preparing for departure from rescue base. Image by J. Lipman

Low on the Rush Creek Trail as night approaches. Image by J. Lipman

Looking down on Silver Lake from the Rush Creek Trail. Image by J. Lipman

The location initially communicated to the Team was actually the location that the reporting party (RP) had found cell service and was able to place a 911 call for assistance. When field team 1 arrived at this location, no one was present. The error was discovered, and the subject was located about a half mile further west.

Field teams in the vicinity of Waugh Lake. Image by J. Lipman

Field team 2 joined team 1 and the subject was assessed and prepared for transport, but she initially refused litter transport and chose to walk with assistance from team members. She soon tired and accepted the litter transport. Field teams 4 and 5 joined teams 1 and 2 as they continued the litter carryout. Field team 3 had been staged at a location where they had radio contact with teams 1 and 2 as well as rescue base, and they acted as a radio relay for effective communications.

Descending the steep tram tracks to avoid narrow, rocky trail switchbacks. Image by J. Lipman

Unfortunately not all of the steep narrow parts of the Rush Creek Trail could be avoided. Image by J. Lipman

Rolling the subject in the wheeled litter past THAT Juniper tree on the Rush Creek Trail. Image by J. Lipman

As teams 1, 2, 4, and 5 passed, team 3 joined them in the descent to assist with the litter carryout. Nearing the Rush Creek Trailhead, the subject again requested to walk slowy with team member assistance, and shortly thereafter all parties arrived at the trailhead. The operation was terminated at 0509 hours just as the first hints of sunrise were visible to the east on the morning of August 2.

IC: Belcher, Salazar Ops Leader: Bush, Case, Beck Responders: Senior, Blackman, Cowan, Irving-Ruffing, Creager, Lipman, Cucura, Anderson, Brownlee, Ackerman, Salay.