September 28, 2024 2024-549 #38

At 1451 hours the Team was called to assist a 67-year-old male complaining of heat exhaustion and dehydration in the vicinity of Devils Postpile.  Rescue base was established at Minaret Vista.  A field team of 4 was assigned to descend the Reds Meadow Road to the Devils Postpile Trailhead, and they were joined by 2 Mammoth Lakes Fire Department (MLFD) personnel in a MLFD vehicle.  2 MOSAR members went up the trail in search of the subject.  Shortly thereafter, additional information determined that the subject was likely on the Rainbow Falls Trail. 

The 2 MLFD personnel responded to the Rainbow Falls Trailhead, and the subject location was confirmed by USFS personnel who stated that another USFS personnel was with the subject and his wife.  The MLFD personnel began hiking in, and the MOSAR field team followed shortly thereafter with the wheeled litter.

The MOSAR team arrived on scene, and the subject was packaged in the litter and transported to the Rainbow Falls Trailhead, where he declined medical attention.  The subject was transported to his vehicle at the Devils Postpile Trailhead, and the operation was terminated at 1859 hours.

IC: Rhoads   Ops Leader: Haugh   Responders: Kaufman, Torrence, Senior, Pavlovsky, Irving-Ruffing, Case, Huizingh

 On-Scene Coordinator: Mono County Sheriff Search and Rescue