At 1302 hours the Team was called to assist a 64-year-old male suffering from gastric distress approximately 1 mile east of the Hilton Creek Lakes. Notification of the incident was via an Inreach satellite device carried by a passing hiker. Rescue base was established just across from the unofficial Hilton Lakes trailhead at the entrance to the Pine Grove Campground in Upper Rock Creek Canyon. Three field teams consisting of 12 team members left rescue base with the wheeled litter, first-out medical bag, oxygen bottle and other equipment.
The subject was located just over 2 miles in on the Hilton Lakes trail, and he was assessed, packaged in the litter, and transported to the established Hilton Lakes Trailhead near Rock Creek Lake.
The field teams rolling the subject out to the Hilton Lakes Trailhead. Image by J. Lipman
The subject refused medical assistance from Mono County Medic Unit 3 and stated that he would seek his own medical care. The operation was terminated at 17:27 hours.
IC: Salazar Ops Leader: Bush Responders: Buchanan, Haugh, Case, Blackman, Ackerman, Baron, Wallace, Anderson, Senior, Hunsinger, Huizingh, Brownlee, Quiring, Lipman
On-Scene Coordinator: Mono County Sheriff Search and Rescue