At 1650 hours the Team was called to assist 2 40-something female hikers who became stranded in steep, loose terrain off-trail on the flanks of Sonora Peak. The women had cell service at their location, and they called to request assistance. The Team staged at the Sonora Pass Trailhead and a field team of 5 MOSAR members departed rescue base toward the stranded hiker's location, just less than 3 miles in, just before sunset. Rescue base was able to communicate with the subjects via text messages while the field team was hiking in.
Hiking to the subjects’ location. Image by J. Bush
The field team arrived at the subject's location, and provided them with warm clothing. climbing harnesses, and headlamps. The field team was able to contour 100' north the the Sonora Peak use trail with one hiker, but the other hiker did not feel comfortable with the traverse, and was belayed up the slope angling east to gain the use trail. Both hikers were then accompanied down the use trail to the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT), and they hiked back to rescue base with the field team. After arrival at base, the hikers were transported to their vehicle by a Mono County Sheriff's Deputy. The operation was terminated at 0019 hours on Sunday morning.
Full dark when contact was made with the subjects. Image by J. Lipman
Assisting one subject back to the Sonora Peak use trail. Image by J. Bush
IC: Rhoads Ops Leader: Beck Responders: Bush, Trainor, Quiring, Kaufman, Lipman