At 0816 hours the Team was called to assist a 62-year-old female hiker with an ankle injury just to the south of Barney Lake along Robinson Creek. The Team staged at Mono Village near Upper Twin Lake. Due to a known location and the high likelihood of a carryout, a large field team was assigned to respond. They transported the wheeled litter and basic medical supplies.
The field team arrived at the subject's location quickly, and she was assessed, packaged in the litter, and transported down the Robinson Creek Trail at a brisk pace. A small field team of 2 were assigned to go up the trail and meet the incoming litter to assist with the carryout and all parties soon arrived at rescue base. The subject opted to transport via POV as she was accompanied by her husband. The operation was terminated at 1621 hours.
Splinting the ankle prior to litter packaging. Image by J. Bush
moving the subject down the swithbacks below Barney Lake. Image by J. Bush
Maneuvering the switchbacks. Image by J. Bush
Field team returning to base. Image by J. Bush
IC: Gillespie Ops Leader: Beck Responders: Knecht, Brownlee, Haugh, Leyen, Anderson, Huizingh, Case, Bush, Patterson, Kelly, Thompson