At 1538 hours the Team was called to assist a 60-year-old female near the outlet of Valentine Lake with an ankle injury. The Team staged at the Sherwin Lakes trailhead, and 4 field teams, spaced a few minutes apart, hiked to the subject location to assist.
Field Team 1 with subject party. Image by J. Lipman
The subject was assessed, treated, and packaged in the wheeled litter for transport to rescue base. It was determined that the Valentine Lake Trail was a better descent option, and the field teams, the subject, and members of the subject’s party were picked up at the Valentine Lake trailhead and transported to rescue base. The subject opted to seek medical attention via personally owned vehicle. The operation terminated at 2151 hours.
Wheeled litter transport. Image by J. Lipman
The call went well into darkness. Image by J. Lipman
Ops Leader: Beck Responders: Bush, Creager, Hartstrom, Lipman, Quiring, Senior, Thompson, Torrence, and Wallace.