At 0020 hours the Team was called to search for an overdue 67-year-old male hunter in the vicinity of Piute Mountain near White Mountain Peak. Search base was established at the Barcroft Station gate. A field team was sent out on the Polaris Ranger to search an area north of search base, but their search was unsuccessful.
Inyo SAR also reposonded, and sent a field team to a new search area. The MOSAR Filed team was sent to a different search area, based on cell phone information, and they located the subject west of Piute Mountain. Unfortunately, he was deceased. His remains were packaged and transported back to search base, and then ultimately were remanded to the custody of the Inyo County Coroner.
The call was terminated at 1636 hours. IC: Pelichowski/Way Ops Leader: Bush Responders: Torrence, Knight, Roos-Collins, Evans, Thompson, Creager, Patterson, Kelly, Buchanan, Irving-Ruffing, Quiring