At 1501 hours the Team was called to assist in the rescue of 2 stranded paddle boarders who had been beached on the east side of Paoha Island in Mono Lake by windy conditions. The pair, a male and female in their 60s, had launched their watercraft from the Navy Beach area, and when they were 700-800 yards offshore, the wind picked up to the extent that they were unable to make headway back to shore. They were able to reach the shore of the island, and from there they requested assistance via 911.
The Mono County Sheriff’s Office initially dispatched an aluminum patrol boat crewed by a Sergeant and the Undersheriff. They launched from the deepwater boat launch near the Tioga Inn, and as they headed toward Paoha Island they came across 3 other individuals who were in need of assistance due to 3-4’ whitecaps and strong winds.
This first group was brought back to shore, and when approaching the location of the initial group they found the water too shallow to land. The Undersheriff bisembarked at the closest point they were able to reach shore and hiked to the subject’s location. The Undersheriff attempted to hike them back to his disembarkation point, but one of the subjects was too weak for the hike. The Sheriff’s Office asked for assistance from the team and their inflatable rescue boat (IRB) as it has a shallow draft and can navigate in shallow water.
The MOSAR IRB launched from the deepwater launch with 3 members on board, and they were able to reach the shore at the subject’s location, load the subjects and the Undersheriff, and ferry them to the Sheriff’s Office patrol boat. All craft then returned to the launch area.
Returning to launch area after a successful extraction.
The female subject conferred with personnel from Mono County Medic Unit 2 and declined treatment for possible dehydration. The operation terminated at 1821 hours.
IC: Rhoads, Pelichowski Ops Leader: Beck Responders: Quiring, Wallace, Salay, Anderson, Carlson, Lipman, Case