At 1245 hours the Team was called to assist a 72-year-old male hiker complaining of chest pain near Arrowhead Lake. A field team of 2 arrived at the proposed rescue base prior to the main contingent, and this team started up the trail toward the subject. Rescue base was established at the Duck Lake Pass trailhead near Coldwater Campground shortly thereafter.
4 field teams totaling 12 members ascended the trail with the 2-piece titanium litter, the litter wheel, and other equipment to the subject location. Upon arrival the subject was under the care of personnel from Mono County Medic Unit 3 and Mammoth Lakes Fire. Due to the critical condition of the subject, helicopter transport was requested.
Preparing for subject transport. Image by M. Quiring
Transporting the subject via wheeled litter. Image by M. Quiring
The subject was packaged in the litter, transported to the trailhead, then loaded into the medic unit for transport to CHP helicopter H42 which had landed in the Horseshoe Lake parking lot. H42 transported the patient to the Fresno Community Regional Medical Center for further care/treatment. The operation was terminated at 1430 hours.
CHP helicopter H42 on the ground at the Horseshoe Lake parking area to load the subject. Image by M. Quiring
IC: Salazar Ops Leader: Haugh Responders: Ackerman, Anderson, Brownlee, Buchanan, Bush, Childers, Cucura, Huizingh, Knecht, Lipman, Quiring, Salay, Wallace, Wilson, Cornelius.