January 7, 2023 Op 23-001 #1

At approximately 1430 hours, the Team was called to assist a 43-year-old male snomobile rider from Georgia who was stuck east of White Wing. At the time of the request, several members of the Team were engaged in a snomo training at Smokey Bear Flat, and these team members and the team snomos were pressed into service to respond.

7 snomos and 6 personnel responded to the Crestview Maintenance Station, and staged between the travel lanes in the paved crossover. A field team of 6 left the trailhead and navigated to the coordinates provided by the subject. shortly before arriving at the coordinate location, the subject was located hiking on Deadman Creek Road.

The subject declined the offer of the field team to assist him in retrieving his machine, stating that it would not be possible to retrieve it until Deadman Creek Road was groomed. The subject was transported to rescue base on a 2-up trail sled, and then was transported to his vehicle by a Mono County Sheriff’s Sergeant.

The operation terminated at approximately 1600 hours.

IC: Gillespie Ops Leader: Beck Responders: Bush, Kaufman, Kelly, Cucura, Evans