At approximately 1218 hours the Team was called to assist a 41-year-old female skier with a reported lower leg fracture. Mono County medics were initially called, but due to the location of the subject, MOSAR was called to assist with the extraction.
The subject was located just southeast of Mammoth Rock on the lower slopes of the Sherwins. The Team staged at the propane storage tanks on Sherwin Creek Road. The subject ws only a very short distance from flat terrain, and the Sheriff’s Office requested a limited callout. Three team members departed base on snowmobiles towing the Rescueboggan, an over-snow patient transport device..
The subject was quickly located, and was assisted to the Rescueboggan and transported back to base. Mono County medics took over her care and transported her to Mammoth Hospital. The call terminated at 1601 hours.
IC: Belcher Ops Leader: Bush Responders: Senior, Carlson