At 1830 hours the Team was called to assist 2 young adult males who were stranded on Negit Island in Mono Lake and 2 that were stranded on the shore of the mainland nearby. Resuce base was established to the north of the Tioga Inn where there was an unpaved deep-water launch site.
Just after launch with Negit Island in the left center distance.
A Mono County Sheriff’s Sergeant and Deputy responded with the Sheriff’s Office aluminum patrol boat, and the Team brought a 14.5’ inflatable rescue boat (IRB) with an outboard engine. Both watercraft were launched, and the Sheriff’s patrol boat was staffed with the Sergeant and 2 MOSAR members, and the IRB carried a field team of 3.
The MOSAR IRB navigated to the west shore of Negit Island, and was able to retrieve 2 of the stranded subjects. A deputy in a vehicle in the Black Point area retrieved the 2 from the lakeshore, and then the 2 subjects in the IRB were transferred to the patrol boat, and all returned to the launch area. The operation concluded at approximately 2100 hours.
Sheriff’s Office patrol boat and MOSAR inflatable rubber boat on the way to effect the retrieval of the stranded subjects.
IC: Pelichowski, Salazar Ops Leader: Haugh, Beck Responders: Bush, Gerber, Cowan, Romanova, Ackerman, Brownlee, Dickau, Case, Quiring, Salay, Cornelius, Wallace, Senior