At 1258 hours the Team was called to assist in the search for an unknown number of overdue climbers with the stated goal of climbing on the Incredible Hulk in Little Slide Canyon. The number of overdue climbers was later determined to be two.
Search base was established at the Barney Lake Trailhead at the west end of Mono Village in the Bridgeport-Twin Lakes area. Field team one departed as a hasty team to search the immediate climbing area, and they ran into snow a couple of miles in. They attached skins to their skis and continued the ascent toward the Hulk.
Avalanche debris across the trail early in the approach. Image by J. Lipman
An alternate log crossing for Robinson Creek - the normal log crossing was underwater due to high spring snowmelt. Image by J. Lipman
Additional avalanche debris on the use trail after crossing Robinson Creek. Image by J. Lipman
Field team two followed shortly thereafter with the intent to conduct their snow travel with snowshoes. Field team two also carried a camera drone, and deployed this resource just down-canyon of the base of the Hulk. The drone was used to search the climbing routes, but no climbers were located.
Field team three also carried skis, and skied from the snowline toward the Hulk. Just prior to team 3’s arrival in the search area, field team one established voice contact with the search subjects at 1850 hours. Field team 3 verified that the couple were the subjects reported overdue, and the subjects departed the area with field team 1. All teams were instructed to return to base. Field team 1 and field 3 team joined, and with the subjects, returned to base, arriving shortly after field team 2.
Field team one on the descent of Little Slide Canyon. Image by J. Lipman
Still deep snow and lots of places to fall in. Image by J. Lipman
The subjects, a male and a female from Spain, had been reported overdue by personnel at the Mono Village campground as they had paid to park for June 16-18, and their rental vehicle was still in the parking lot on June 21. The climbers were not fluent in English, but explained that due to high winds during their stay at the Hulk curtailing their climbing activity, they decided to lengthen their stay, and did not consider themselves overdue. The operation terminated at 2142 hours.
IC: Rhoads, Pelichowski Ops Leader: Beck Responders: Anderson, Brownlee, Lipman, Kelly, Irving-Ruffing, Cucura, Quiring, Endo