March 3, 2023 23-073 #8

At 1458 hours the Mono County Sheriff’s Office requested assistance from the Team to extract an individual suffering from anxiety in a snow-bound cabin at Lower Twin Lake Bridgeport. Prior to the latest series of cold and wet winter storms, a family of 4 had made their way to their cabin, and then became snow-bound as the winter storms rolled in and dropped many feet of snow.

CHP H40 was contacted, and agreed to take the mission. H40 flew to the Bridgeport Valley and picked up one team member at the intersection of Twin Lakes Road and Hunewill Ranch Road, and flew to the subject location. The team member was hoisted down, and he assisted two of the 4 person group in donning the screamer harness and hoisting up to H40.

Those two were flown out, and H40 returned and picked up the team member and delivered him back to base. The operation concluded at approximately 1715 hours.

IC: Pelichowski Responders: Hartstrom, Creager Beck