At 1710 hours the Team was called to assist in locating 3 male hikers separated on the West Ridge of White Mountain Peak. The reporting party stated that they had summited White Mountain Peak from their camp at approximately 5,500’ just above the White Mountain Ranch Road at the base of the West Ridge, and chose a different descent route on which they became separated. The reporting party reported the situation on his mobile phone which shortly thereafter failed due to a low state of charge in the battery.
Search base was established on White Mountain Ranch Road, and a field team was able to find their vehicle and base camp, and verify that no one had yet returned. The California Office of Emergency Services (OES) provided a fixed-wing King Air aircraft equipped with Fire Integrated Real-Time Intelligence System (FIRIS) which uses a high-definition infrared camera system to detect heat. Designed primarily for tracking wildfires, it is sensitve enough to pick up heat signatures from individual large mammals, and can search large areas quickly. However, due to unfavorable weather conditions, FIRIS was unable to locate the subjects.
Overnight the subjects were able to regroup and use a mobile phone from another party member to contact the Sheriff’s Office, and the phone’s GPS locator provided the coordinates of their location. The group also reported that they were in a precarious position and did not feel they could continue their descent.
Inyo SAR was called for mutual aid, and 5 Inyo SAR members responded, with 4 accepting field assignments.
Heading up Milner Creek Canyon. Image by J. Lipman
Near the end of the road. Image by J. Lipman
In Milner Creek Canyon. Image by J. Lipman
The party was advised to maintain their position, and a field team drove up Milner Creek Canyon in a Polaris Ranger 6-wheel drive vehicle. At the termination of the road, the field team hiked a short distance and made visual contact with the subjects. The field team hiked to their position and escorted them down the slope. The field team returned to base and the subjects were transported to their vehicle. The operation terminated at 1159 hours.
Almost out. Image by J. Lipman
IC: Belcher, Pelichowski, Rhoads Ops Leader: Patterson, Beck, Haugh Responders: Cucura, Buchanan, Kelly, Wilson, Lipman