At 1238 hours, the Team received a request from Inyo County Sheriff SAR requesting assistance with a search for a lost person in Saline Valley, Death Valley National Park. Two MOSAR members and a Mono County Sheriff’s Office SAR coordinator responded to the Inyo SAR base at 0600 on May 11, and were flown to their search assignment in a Navy Seahawk MH60S helicopter. After completing a search assignment with approximately 8 miles traveled in temperatures topping at 96 degrees, the MOSAR team members were flown back to the Inyo SAR facility in Bishop. The search remains unresolved as the subject has not been located as of May 17, 2021.
Way and Senior at the LZ in Saline Valley, ready to commence searching. Image by J. Wallace
Wallace departing the LZ for a search assignment.
Responders: Sheriff’s Office: Way. MOSAR: Wallace, Senior