At approximately 2000 on June 19th, four team members responded to search for a 21-year-old female from Newport Beach with a medical condition in the Steelhead & Wasco lakes area. Her physician had called her home to report results from recent testing that indicated a health crisis. The physician was unable to reach the subject, but did speak with a close relative who called the Mono County Sheriff’s Office to report her location and request assistance.
A field team of 4 were ferried across Saddlebag like in the Sheriff’s Office patrol boat, and hiked to the Steelhead Lake area, calling out family member's names and using whistle blasts. After several hours of waking up many campers at various campsites, the family was located between Wasco and Greystone lakes at approximately 0115 on 6/20. They were informed of the situation, and packed up camp. The Team hiked them out to where the patrol boat was waiting at Saddlebag Lake to take them back across to their car. They sought medical attention on their own accord.
On the boat ride across Saddlebag Lake.
IC: Pelichowski (and boat driver) Ops Leader: Bush Responders: Patterson, Kaufman, and Quiring.