On August 10, 2019 at approximately 3:40 pm, the Team received a report of a 49-year-old male climber with an open fracture at the Dreamers bouldering area near Sherwin Summit. In addition to MOSAR, Long Valley Fire and Medic 3 also responded, and due to their proximity arrived on the accident scene first.
The subject was assessed, splinted, packaged in the wheeled litter, and transported a short distance to the medic unit, and was then transported to Mammoth Hospital for treatment.
IC: Pelichowsky. Ops Leader: Beck. Responders: Pavlovsky, Bush, Quiring, Frolio, Fernandez, Zila, Evans
The short transport from the Dreamers to the parking area and the waiting medic unit. Image by J. Bush
Image by J. Bush