On Friday, May 31 at 3:57 pm, the Team responded to a call for a 55-year-old female with a possible ankle fracture approximately one mile in on the Parker Lake Trail in the June Lake Loop. The Team had 18 responders for the call. Several field teams went in with medical gear and the wheeled litter at approximately 4:30 pm.
Field teams leaving the trailhead. Image by M. Quiring
The subject was treated by members of her own party prior to arrival of the field teams, and her party had been attempting to help her our on their own, but were concerned about the length of time passing.
The Jeffrey Pine splint applied by the subject’s hiking companions. Image by M. Quiring
Preparing the subject for transport via wheeled litter. Image by M. Quiring
The Team packaged the subject for transport in the wheeled litter and quickly rolled her out to the trailhead; she arrived at 5:56 pm and she was transported by her party to Mammoth Hospital for treatment. The hospital verified that the injury was in fact a fracture, and surgery was pending a reduction in swelling at the time this narrative was produced.
Easy roll out to the trailhead. Image by M. Quiring
IC Pelichowsky, Ops Leader, Beck/Wallace. Responders: Evans, Kaufman, Anderson, Patterson, Quiring, Carlson, Cucura, Torrence, Endo, Creager, Hennes, Zila, Cowan, Hartstrom, Lambert, Padilla.