On March 14, 2019 two MOSAR members were deployed to assist Inyo County Sheriff's Office with an area search and RECCO search of the Kearsarge Pass area.
On the flight to Kearsarge Pass. Image by Mitchell Quiring
2 SAR personnel were deployed with 2 additional Inyo County SAR members and 4 additional Marine Corp searchers to the Big Pothole Lake area near the top of Kearsarge pass via helicopter.
All 8 personnel skied from the top of the pass to the bottom of the canyon to their vehicles. No clues were located. 2 Mono County SAR Personnel were on scene from 0500 to 1800 hours.
IC: Pelichowsky. Responders: Quiring, Cucura
Preparing for helo transport to Kearsarge Pass. Image by Mitchell Quiring
Preparing for helo transport to Kearsarge Pass. Image by Joey Cucura