September 3, 2018, 18-496, #28

At 1310 the Team received a call for a 38 year old climber from Alameda, CA with a reported fractured ankle at the bottom of the last pitch of the 3rd Pillar of Mt. Dana.

The Team responded to Lee Vining airport anticipating an air insertion, but all air resources were reporting as unavailable or available with significant delay, so a hike in was necessary.

The field teams drove to Tioga Lake, and started up the use trail toward the summit of the 3rd pillar. As soon as the first three arrived, a main and belay were constructed, and upon the arrival of the second three, a lowering commenced.


A Team member was lowered with a litter over the edge of the 700' cliff to the subject. The subject was packaged, and as other members of the field team arrived, a raising was begun with a 7:1 mechanical advantage. The litter stuck briefly at the edge, but was vectored successfully over the lip.

Image provided by the pilot of H40 who flew in to extract the subject

Image provided by the pilot of H40 who flew in to extract the subject

It's a long way up...

It's a long way up...

CHP helicopter H80 arrived from Apple Valley and landed on the Dana Plateau. The litter was carried to H80; the subject was flown to Lee Vining, and Mono County Paramedics transported him to Mammoth Hospital for treatment. H80 returned to retrieve a crewman.

CHP H80 waiting to transport our subject

CHP H80 waiting to transport our subject

The Team sent another member over the edge to the subject's partner who was still on the face about 100' from the summit blocks. The Team conducted the second raise to bring up the subject's partner, then all systems were demobilized, and all field teams hiked out to Tioga Lake, with most of the walk in the dark with periods of rain.

Hiking out...

Hiking out...

Responders were:  Beck (Ops), Pelichowski (IC), Quiring, Kaufman, Bush, Torrence, Rea, Greene, Halferty, Cowan, Endo, and Hammack.  The Team volunteered 116 man hours for this call.


August 29, 2018, 18-490 #27

The callout began at 1839 for a hiker with an injured ankle near Greenstone Lake.  Three field teams were dispatched and located the subject who was attended by two campers who had assisted the subject to their camp from the accident location.  After treatment, the subject was transported to the trailhead via wheeled litter, and she was transported to Mammoth Hospital via a friend and personal vehicle.

Back at base, preparing for transport

Back at base, preparing for transport

Responders: Beck (Ops) Hansen (IC), Quiring, Patterson, Torrence, Bush, Greene, Dunne, Hartstrom, Carlson, Cowan, Rea, Hagan, Unsworth, and Eimen.  The Team volunteered 141 man hours for this call.


August 18, 2018, 18-457, #26

At 1345, The Team was called in aid of an 80 year old hiker on the Fern Lake trail.  June Lake Fire and Medic 2 also responded.  The subject was evacuated via wheeled litter to the trailhead, and Mono County Paramedics transported him to Mammoth Hospital. 

Responders were:  Beck (OPS), Pelichowski (IC), Bush, Cowan, Kaufman, Fernandez, Quiring, Wallace, Buchanan, Greene, and Case.  The Team volunteered 41 man hours for this call.


August 13, 2018. 18-437, continued, #25

Two field teams hiked 35 miles of trails and cross country routes in Horse  Creek, Blacksmith Canyon, Robinson Creek drainage, checking key points including Barney Lake, Peeler Lake, Snow Lake, Crown Lake and Rock Island Pass.  No clues were found and the search was suspended at the end of this day.  The subject was later found on Saturday August 18, deceased, on Suicide Ridge in Yosemite. 

Responders on August 13 were:  Buchanan, Wallace, Bush, Frolio, and Rea.  The Team volunteered 84 man hours on this day.


August 12 & 13, 2018, 18-440, #24

At approximately 1213, Mono County Sheriff’s Office Dispatch was contacted by a pair of hikers in the Mount Ritter area.  The call was for a 21 year old female hiker/scrambler from Southern California who had taken a fall on Mt. Ritter near the bottom of the chute that leads up toward the summit from the Southeast Glacier. 

They had turned around an estimated 400 vertical feet from the summit, and were descending at the time of the accident, and were at approximately 12,200 feet.  She sustained head injuries, and many scrapes, lacerations, and contusions.  She did not remember the fall, but her partner reported that her footing shifted, and she fell and landed on a snowfield, and slid down the snowfield, accelerating quickly, until her descent was arrested by a head-first slide into talus. 

Four team members met at the Mammoth-Yosemite airport and were transported via Lemoore Naval Air Station Seahawk helicopter.  The crew members were using night vision equipment.

Night insertion onto Mt. Ritter

Night insertion onto Mt. Ritter

The helo flew to the vicinity, and a blinking headlamp was spotted high up on Ritter.  The helo flew to the proposed LZ, and scouted the terrain, performed power checks, and eventually set down in a small alpine meadow at 9,600 feet elevation, less than 2 miles from the subject, and 2,500 vertical feet lower. 

The field team offloaded, and the helo departed to fly a little closer to be sure that the injured party had been identified.  The helo verified that they had located the subject, confirmed the coordinates of their location, and departed.

The field team began hiking through the dark, making steady progress through the cross-country terrain and difficult 3rd-class rock scrambling and across a snowfield  After an hour or so of snow scrambling, a headlamp was spotted a few hundred feet above the field team, and the team quickly maneuvered to the location, arriving around 0100 at around 11,400'. 

Treatment underway

Treatment underway

The climbing party had not been prepared for a night out. 

The subject was treated through the night, and prepared for extraction.

A helo extract had been promised for 0800 Monday morning, but it did not arrive until 1030.  In the meantime, the subject had been loaded in the litter and carried from the overnight location to down to a location for better access to the helicopter. 

The ride out

The ride out

An Air Force CH 47 Chinook flew in and extracted the subject and the field team, who were all flown to Lee Vining, and Care Flight transported the subject from Lee Vining to Reno. 

 Responders were: Pelichowski (IC), Beck, Endo, Hagan, and Creager.  The Team volunteered 107 man hours for this call.


August 11, 2018, 18-437, #22

The Team was called at 1154 to search for a missing 48 year-old male backpacker who was ten days overdue.  The backpacker took out a wilderness permit for a backpacking trip to begin on July 25, and exiting on August 1.  He planned to backpack from Robinson Creek to Crown Lake, Matterhorn Canyon, Smedberg Lake, Seavey Pass and Peeler Lake.  He was last seen at the Bridgeport Ranger Station. 

On August 11 his father reported him overdue.  Eight SAR members responded to the call and responded to the Sheriff’s office in Bridgeport, where base was established. Two members were dispatched to the trailhead at the Mono Village Resort Campground to interview people exiting the trailhead and to post some missing person posters. 

A Sheriff deputy and a SAR member drove to the campground to investigate the subject’s vehicle. The car was unlocked and inside they found the subject’s wallet, cell phone, cash, keys and a journal/diary.  Additional calls were made to the subject’s parents to gather further information about the subject. At 1740 two YOSAR teams began hiking the same route the subject put on his wilderness permit. 

Responders on August 11 were:  Greene (Ops), Hansen (IC), Kaufman, Frolio, Bush, Wallace, Buchanan, Case, and Torrence.  The Team volunteered 77 man hours on this day.


August 4, 2018, 18-423, #21

Tuolumne SAR (YOSAR) requested a mutual aid response for a missing 8 year old hiker in the area of Mono Pass.  The boy was described as having brown hair wearing a purple tie-dyed shirt and blue jeans. His name was Ryan. 

YOSAR explained that Ryan was hiking with his family near Spillway Lake and had somehow become separated; they suspected that he was continuing on the trail that goes over Mono Pass into the Walker Lake drainage.  YOSAR requested that we conduct a hasty search of the trails in the area of Mono Pass and they were sending a ground team over the pass from the west. 

Mono SAR Team members were working on a previous call near Devils Postpile, but others were available to respond to this one.  Two SAR members started on the west side of Walker Lake and headed west toward the top of Mono Pass. 

Patrol Deputies and a single SAR member were checking the several different trailheads and camping areas.  Field Team 1 advised over the radio that he had spoken to 2 individuals that had seen Ryan in the area of Little Sardine Lake at approximately 1345 hours.  Ryan looked OK and his direction of travel was east towards Walker Lake. 

At 1745, dispatch was contacted by a group of campers in the area stating that Ryan had walked into their campsite near the trailhead.  At 1805 hours, Field Team 1 advised that he was with Ryan and conducting a medical assessment. Ryan was tired, but happy and healthy.  Two YOSAR team members and Ryan were provided a ride back to Yosemite.  SAR members were in the field from 1500 to 2000 hours. 

Responders were:  Pelichowski (IC & Ops), Bush, Kallemeyn, and Hagan.  The Team volunteered 21 man hours for this call.


August 4, 2018, 18-421, #20

A callout was sent at 1428 in aid of a 33 year old male hiker from La Puente, CA who was injured after slipping on a wet rock and falling while hiking near Minaret Falls in the Devil's Postpile area. 

The reporting party stated that  he had a compound open leg fracture and they would be moving him out of the water.  Two SAR teams were sent from the Postpile Ranger Station up the trail to Minaret Falls to the subject. 

When the SAR teams arrived on scene, a Park Ranger Paramedic and EME had already wrapped and splinted the subject's leg. After a medical assessment was performed, the subject was transported, by wheeled litter to an awaiting ambulance at the Ranger Station.  Mono County paramedics transported him to Mammoth Hospital. 

Responders were:  Greene (Ops), Hansen (IC), Fernandez, Carlson, Quiring, Wallace, Buchanan, Torrence, Kaufman, Hennes, and French.  The Team volunteered 46 man hours for this call.


August 2, 2018. 18-416, #19

A 28 year old local hiker whose legs were pinned between boulders on a high ridge above Duck Lake called 911 and activated his emergency locator beacon.  Ten SAR members in four teams were dispatched up the Duck Pass trail. 

CHP Helicopter H40 responded, searched the area for a while unsuccessfully, and then landed at the Horseshoe Lake borrow pit to meet with SAR team personnel to discuss additional search areas/strategy.    After removing weight/equipment from the helo, the CHP crew flew back to the accident area with a MOSAR member and began searching additional locations based on data received from the subject’s cell phone. 

The victim was sighted by H40 at 37.56018, -118.94244 (11,900 feet) with the sun reflecting off the space blanket he was waving.   H40 landed at an LZ northeast of Duck Lake and debarked the MOSAR member, who radioed the lead ground team in the Duck Lake area the subject’s location.  The other team was then able to see the reflections of the space blanket and began hiking directly to the subject’s location.

01 Google Earth.jpg

The Ops Leader instructed the MOSAR member to leave H40 and join the teams in the field.  A helo from Lemoore NAS arrived, in case additional SAR members or heavy lift equipment was need at the scene.  It landed at the Horseshoe Lake borrow pit to pick up the heavy lift gear and a Mammoth Lakes Fire Department operator.  They then flew to Duck Lake and attempted to insert the operator and lift gear near the accident site.

Due to the high altitude and winds they were unable to do the insert near the accident site, so they then landed next to H40 at the LZ.  The on-site team requested additional O2, and H40 was able to lower an O2 bottle provided by the Lemoore team to the ground team.  After hoisting down the O2 bottle, H40 flew to Mammoth airport to configure for a hoist/extraction operation. 

Mammoth Lakes Fire Department personnel transported H40’s equipment from the Horseshoe Lake pit to Mammoth airport.  Being unable to debark the equipment and operator near the accident site, Lemoore helo flew to Mammoth airport to drop off the lift equipment and operator they had pick up at the Horseshoe pit.  They then returned to Lemoore NAS. 

When team members reached the subject, they assessed his injuries, provided him oxygen, and set up two mechanical advantage pulley systems (5 to 1 and 9 to 1) to move the boulder that was trapping him.  Before successfully freeing the subject, several attempts had to be made with minor re-rigging of the pinning boulder in order to achieve a rock lift/pivot that didn’t put more weight on the pinned legs. 

CHP H40 preparing to hoist

CHP H40 preparing to hoist

Just after the subject was freed, H40 returned to the accident site and lowered the Bauman bag and a litter to the ground team.  A quick patient packaging was done, and the subject was hoisted up to H40, and flown to Mammoth Airport.   Mono County Paramedics transported him to Mammoth Hospital.  The call was ended at 2230. 

Responders were:  Beck (Ops), Hansen (IC), Kaufman, Bush, Hennes, Wallace, Greene, Torrence, Eimen, Quiring, Case, Endo, Cowan, Guffey, Gilbreath, French, and Hagan.  The Team volunteered 158 man hours for this call.


August 1, 2018, 18-413, #18

A call out was sent at 1219, on August 1, 2018, for a 65 year old female from Granite Bay, CA who was experiencing AMS symptoms, including blue lips, headache, vomiting, lethargy, and tender/swollen abdomen near Big McGee Lake.  The subject had difficulty standing and/or walking. 


Subject was reported to be camping on the north shore of Big McGee Lake; RP was the subject's daughter. Base was established at McGee Creek Road. & Crowley Lake Road.  R3 was parked at the McGee Creek trailhead to act as a communication relay. Three teams, consisting of 7 members, were dispatched to Big McGee Lake. 

H40 was requested to assist.  After H40 located the subject, they went to base to drop off some equipment in order to reduce weight. After the team members reached the subject, they prepared her for transport to the LZ, about 1/2 mile away. 


The subject was littered to the LZ where she was placed in the helo and transported to the Mammoth airport. From there she was transported by ambulance, to Mammoth Hospital. After the Team members arrived back at the trailhead, a de-briefing was held and the call ended at 2230. 

Responders were:  Greene (Ops), Pelichowski (IC), Bush, Patterson, Kaufman, Guffey, Haugh, Wallace, Buchanan, and Torrence.  The Team volunteered 112 man hours for this call.


July 29, 2018, 18-404, #17

A call out was sent at 1329 for a 21 year old injured hiker from Oregon, located between Mt. Conness and North Peak at 11,400 feet.  The reporting party was climbing near the glacier when he heard someone yelling "Help". 

The RP hiked to a higher elevation where he had cell service. He provided the approximate coordinates of the subject's location. Base was established at the Saddlebag Lake parking lot. Three teams for a total of eight members were dispatched to the saddle between Mt. Conness and North Peak. After lots of boulder climbing/scrambling, the teams located the subject. His leg was wedged and trapped between boulders that he unintentionally caused to fall.

Leg entrapment

Leg entrapment

The team learned that two climbers, who heard the subject's yelling, climbed up to the subject and helped hold him in a somewhat vertical position. They also applied a tourniquet to the subject's leg. Helicopter assistance was requested and a National Guard UH-60 (Blackhawk Guard 823) responded.

The Blackhawk moving in for the extraction

The Blackhawk moving in for the extraction

Team members set up three mechanical advantage systems in order to move the boulders away from the subject's leg.  Helicopter assistance was requested and a National Guard UH-60 (Blackhawk Guard 823) responded.

The helo crew lowered a medic who made his way to the subject. After extracting the subject's leg from the boulders, the team littered him down to a snowfield where the subject was hoisted into the helo.

Extraction successful!

Extraction successful!

As the helo flew to the Lee Vining Airport,  Team members retrieved all the rigging equipment and began hiking back to base. The two climbers, who assisted the subject, hiked out with the team. The call out ended at 2300. 

Responders were:  Beck (Ops), Pelichowski (IC), Kaufman, Quiring, Bush, Endo, Dunne, Wallace, Hagan, Luke Hammack, Buchanan, Eimen, and Torrence.  The Team volunteered 145 man hours for this call.


July 26, 2018, 18-396, #16

A family of four from Santa Maria, CA, hiked up to Heart Lake from the parking lot at Coldwater campground.  After they had lunch, the 60 year old subject felt unsteady with an irregular heart rate and that he would not be able to walk out.  His son walked out and found someone with a cell phone who called 911 for assistance. 

When the SAR Team arrived at the trailhead, the subject and his family were there.  The subject was able to walk out unassisted after resting and drinking water. 

Responders were: Beck (Ops), Pelichowski (IC), Buchanan, Bush, Haugh, Kaufman, Cowan, Hennes, Dunne, Wallace, and Cucura.  The Team volunteered 22 man hours for this call.


July 20, 2018, 18-382, #15

A callout was initiated at 1203 for an injured subject due to an equestrian accident near the Golden Gate Mine (38.5139, -119.5317). R1 & R3 were enroute, but the call was canceled at 12:53 since CHP helicopter H24 extracted the subject and transferred him to Mono County paramedics for transport to medical care. 

The subject, a 65 year-old male, sustained a head injury when he and his mule parted company.  The incident was in Alpine County, and Mono County was requested to assist. 

Responders were:  Beck (Ops), Pelichowski (IC), Wallace, Patterson, Torrence, Kaufman, and Buchanan.  The Team volunteered 21 man hours for this call.


July 18, 2018. 18-377. #14

The Team was called out at 1615 for a missing 72 year-old male from San Diego who was hiking near Patricia Lake/Peak area. The subject and his companion (the RP) stopped for a while and then continued hiking. The companion realized he left his GoPro where they stopped, so he hiked back a short distance to retrieve his GoPro. When he returned to where he left his companion (the subject), the subject was gone.

The companion searched for a while and then returned to where their car was parked.  Car was still there. He went back to look for the subject but couldn't find him. The companion called for assistance.  The SAR team arrived at the Hilton Lakes trailhead and sent a team of four members up the trailhead.  A few minutes later, Base received a call from the ICs that they had located the subject driving his car.  They interviewed the subject, who had walked out on his own while the field teams were being briefed.  They drove him to his campsite to be reunited with his companion. 

Responders were:  Beck (Ops), Pelichowski & Hansen (IC), Hennes, Gilbreath, Kaufman, Torrence, Eimen, Quiring, and Wallace.  The Team volunteered 29 man hours for this call.


July 12, 2018, 18-366, #13

At 1137 the Team was called to provide assistance to June Lake Fire and Mono County Paramedics for a carryout of a fallen climber at the Clark Canyon climbing area.  The call was canceled two minutes later since the subject had been extracted to the parking area. 

Responders were:  Endo (others may have responded).


July 3, 2018, 18-344, #12

A 37 year old male climber from San Francisco was injured (possible broken ribs) while climbing on 3rd pillar of Mt. Dana with a companion (RP). The RP had cell service and called for assistance. Base was established at the Lee Vining Airport and H-40 was requested. 

Team member Hagan, who happened to be on Mt. Dana, reported to base that he was within 900 meters of the subject.  He climbed to the top of the 3rd Pillar, where he was able to make contact with the subject, who was 100- 150 feet from the summit, and provided updates throughout the incident.  Yosemite's Helicopter 551 took over the airspace and over-flight assessment. 

They picked up YOSAR personnel at Gaylor Pit and flew to the Mt. Dana summit.  They extracted the subject and companion and flew them to the Lee Vining Airport where they were met by Mono County paramedics, who drove them to Mammoth Hospital. 

Responders were: Beck(Ops), Pelichowski (IC), Kaufman, Haugh, Dunne, Torrence, Greene, Rea, Wallace, Quiring, Buchanan, Unsworth, Endo, Creager, Hartstrom, Cowan, and Hagan.  The Team volunteered 119 man hours for this call.


July 1, 2018, 18-339, #11

Four climber/hikers from San Francisco were hiking from Mt. Conness, to the trailhead at the Saddlebag Lake parking lot when their PLB accidentally sent an emergency activation.  All rescue vehicles, which were at the previous Matterhorn Peak call out, responded.

When the four subjects reached Saddlebag Lake Road., they were met with a large group of Team responders. They were embarrassed but appreciative of the Team's effort. After determining the four subjects were in good condition, the call was ended at 2215. 

Responders were:  Beck(Ops), Pelichowski (IC), Wallace, Buchanan, French, Bush, Zila, Hennes, Haugh, Hagan, Creager, Torrence, Quiring, Hartstrom, Cowan, Greene, Kaufman, Patterson, and Dunne.  The Team volunteered 52 man hours for this call.


July 1, 2018, 18-338, #10

Two 30+ year-old male climbers from San Jose, CA were reported missing while climbing Matterhorn Peak.   The RP had been climbing with the subjects but decided not to summit, and waited for them.  When the subjects failed to show up, RP hiked out and called for assistance.  Base was established at Mono Village at upper Twin Lakes. 

Seventeen members responded.  Four field teams were dispatched to locate the missing climbers.  CHP helicopter H40 also responded and located the climbers.  They were not injured but the flight medic felt it was best to extract the pair and flew them down to Mono Village. 

Responders were:  Beck (Ops), Pelichowski (IC), Hammack L, Wallace, Buchanan, French, Bush, Zila, Hennes, Haugh, Hagan, Torrence, Quiring, Hartstrom, Cowan, Greene, Kaufman, and Patterson.  The Team volunteered 170 man hours for this call.

The LZ for the subject retrieval

The LZ for the subject retrieval

Delivery to Mono Village

Delivery to Mono Village


June 28, 2018, 18-328, #9

At 1244, a San Diego woman notified the Mono County Sheriff’s Office of SPOT activations she had received from her husband.  She stated that her husband, brother-in-law, and two nephews were camping, hiking, and fishing in the area of Green Lake. Her husband's SPOT had been activated 4 times at 1154, 1158, 1243, and 1254. 

The four coordinates were moving away from the trailhead toward West Lake. She was concerned because her husband had recently been diagnosed with high blood pressure and was on new prescription medications. The SAR Team was called out at 1333, and 12 members responded, climbed up 1700 feet toward West Lake in 3 miles, and located the party at 1619. 

There were no reported injuries, and no assistance needed. The SPOT device was inspected, and showed the flap over the emergency activation button was loose, likely causing the device activations. 

Responders were:  Beck (Ops), Hansen (IC), Hagan, Creager, Kaufman, Bush, Patterson, Endo, Greene, Rea, Haugh, Wallace, and Buchanan.  The Team volunteered 51 man hours for this incident.
